VR Business Club – VR Cast – with Joe Michaels Chief Revenue Officer HaptX
Yesterday we had Joe Michaels, Chief Revenue Officer of HaptX Inc., as a guest at the VR Cast.
Haptx has been around for eight years and has developed an amazing technology that simulates touch in Virtual Reality.
With 130 touchpoints they can accurately simulate what we would feel when we touched a surface.
Haptx focusses on three main application areas:
Training where we people can train for real situations in a completely simulated environment that includes touch.
Secondly, design. Imagine you create a design on the computer and then you test it out how it feels without building or printing it. That accelerates the process and reduces cost.
And lastly, telerobotics. The solution is used to allow human beings to feel what a robotic arm is feeling. Again the application scenarios are endless.
It was an engaging talk with many great questions from the audience.